Page history
last edited
by Bill Wolff 16 years ago
(List of people who are interested in helping with this project.)
Leave your name, institution, discipline, contact info, and skill set here.
- David Parry, University of Texas at Dallas, Emerging Media. Limited programming skills, know WP, some CSS. dave [at] outsidethetext [dot] com.
- Matthew Gold, New York City College of Technology/Graduate Center, CUNY. English (New Media). MySQL, CSS, XHTML. Enough PHP to get by. Have installed/administered WP, WPMu, MediaWiki. mattgold [at] gmail [dot] com.
- Zach Whalen, U Mary Washington, English (New Media), Drupal hippie, CSS, PHP, Perl, etc. zach.whalen [at] gmail [dot] com.
- Amanda French, NYU. (X)HTML (duh!), CSS, a smattering of MySQL PHP. Have installed & administered WordPress. Have edited but not installed wikis. amanda [at] amandafrench [dot] net.
- Chuck Tryon, Fayetteville State University, English (film and media studies). Limited programming, etc. Once installed WP blog, some wiki experience. chutry [at] gmail [dot] com.
- Brian Croxall, Emory, English and Media Studies. XHTML, some CSS, SIMILE Project's Exhibit. b.croxall [at] gmail [dot] com.
- Negar Mottahedeh, Duke University, Film Studies ( National Cinemas), Middle East Studies, Critical theory, Cultural Studies, (X)HTML. negar [at] duke [dot] edu
- Julie Levin Russo, Brown. Grad student in Modern Culture & Media (and looking for a job!). Familiar with CSS and Drupal. I can provide MySQL-enabled hosting if we need it to get up and running (I have tons more space and bandwidth than I'm using). cyborganize@gmail
- Dave Lester, George Mason University's Center for History & New Media, American Studies, davelester [at] gmail [dot] com, PHP, XHTML, CSS, and a lot of experience developing plugins for Omeka and WordPress.
- Jason B. Jones, Central Connecticut State U. English. jason[dot]b[dot]jones[at]gmail[dot]com. XHTML, CSS, WordPress, wikis.
- Finn Arne Jørgensen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Envirotech history. WP, CSS, enough PHP to reverse-engineer things... Lots of international conference experience, as participant, arranger, program committee member & chair. fa[-at-]jorgensenweb.net.
- Tanner Higgin, University of California, Riverside, Media and Cultural Studies, tanner.higgin [at] gmail [dot[] com, enough to be dangerous but not exceptionally proficient in HTML, CSS. I am also familiar with Wordpress, Wikis, and web administration.
- Amanda Watson, Connecticut College Library. amanda [dot] watson [at] gmail [dot] com. XHTML and CSS, plus a bit of XML.
- Jay Savage, Fordham, English (New Media & Digital Humanities), Instructional Technology. jsavage@fordham.edu. Perl; (X)HTML; CSS; MySQL; PHP; WorPress; Wikis; Social Media; UNIX administration; enough Java, JavaScript and XML to be getting on with.
- Jamie Skye Bianco, University of Pittsburgh, English, Digital Rhetoric & Digital Media, spikenlilli[at]gmail, (X)HTML, CSS, bits and batters of MySQL, PHP, Javascript, XML, Flash & Java. Also WP, Wikis, social media, & conference organizing.
- Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Pomona College, English and Media Studies, kfitzpatrick [at] pomona [dot] edu. Also co-coordinating editor, MediaCommons. HTML, CSS, WP, WPmu, Drupal, MediaWiki, enough MySQL and PHP to get by.
- Daniel Chamberlain, University of Michigan Screen Arts and Cultures / University of Southern California Critical Studies, daniel [dot] chamberlain [at] usc [dot] edu. HTML, CSS, WP, Drupal, game for most anything.
- Bill Wolff, Rowan University, Writing Arts (new media), wolffw [at] rowan [dot] edu, XHTML, CSS, trying to teach myself Flex (going slowly)
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