Want to Build a Humanities CFP List?
This wiki is for collaborating on building a humanities CFP list.
Interested in joining this effort? email dave [at] outsidethetext [dot] com. He can add you to the wiki list to start editing and collaborating.
UPDATE: Amanda did some checking into the state of the UPENN list, and apparently they are currently working on migrating the system over to Drupal and hope to have it rolled out "very soon." So different things we can do here: 1. Full steam ahead build a bigger and better one. 2. Wait and see what happens with UPENN and if soon doesn't happen by say the summer revisit the idea. 3. Offer to help whoever is working on it at UPENN.
Comments (17)
Zach said
at 8:44 am on Jan 31, 2009
This is something we (the humanities community) really need. Back when UPenn list died, what I gathered was that the grad student who had been managing it graduated and left it in disarray. So when someone got around to cleaning it up, the whole mailing-out functionality (which was its main use) was too difficult to get running again. He also implied that there were some institutional hurdles.
David Parry said
at 8:47 am on Jan 31, 2009
Yeah institutional hurdles can be a problem. I say we build it sans institution. Once it is good perhaps connect it up to something like HASTAC who can provide the bandwith and host it.
Amanda French said
at 8:52 am on Jan 31, 2009
Going rogue! Nice.
Platform? Lyris, Mailman, other? I do think we want it to be disseminated via both e-mail & RSS & be archived openly on the web.
David Parry said
at 8:55 am on Jan 31, 2009
Lets keep the discussion located on individual pages. (Click the link above to go to platform as Zach already suggested Drupal . . .) Keep this page for general discussion and creating other pages . . .
chutry@... said
at 9:07 am on Jan 31, 2009
Another option, once it's running is MediaCommons, but HASTAC is probably better.
David Parry said
at 9:10 am on Jan 31, 2009
Media Commons, HASTAC both good choices. If we got it up and it looked good and worked, probably not an issue to get an institution to adopt it. This actually strikes me as a simple project. The largest hurdle is getting people to see it/use it that aren't tech types, but for that I can try to get us an article in "The Chronicle" once it is ready.
Dave Lester said
at 11:15 am on Jan 31, 2009
@amandafrench I agree that if the effort is put into creating such a resource, there should be a variety of ways to acess data including RSS, email, etc
@dave Given the distinct need of this, I think that we'll collectively be able to hit "critical mass" -- articles in "The Chronicle" and other publications will help.
Dave Lester said
at 12:07 pm on Jan 31, 2009
It's also worth mentioning that I work on the Crossroads Project (http://crossroads.georgetown.edu/), and this may be something that we could provide hosting/support for once it gets off the ground.
chutry@... said
at 12:27 pm on Jan 31, 2009
Agreed with David Lester about critical mass. With our blogs and Twitter feeds alone, it won't take long to get noticed.
Amanda French said
at 7:20 pm on Jan 31, 2009
Notice is one thing. Participation is another (she said darkly). It is really, really tough to break people of their workflow habits, especially when they more or less function. U Penn English CFP is broken, yes, so a new version of that will probably attract users, even if they have to re-register, learn a new site to go to & its new name & new functioning, etc. (Especially if we suck in the CFP archives.) But the History people are probably pretty happy with their H-NET; why should they use a new service?
David Parry said
at 8:04 pm on Jan 31, 2009
Seems like there is a lot of interest in this sort of project, I was kind of half joking today when I put this up, just wanted to see how many others would be willing to help. But seems like a lot of interest so here is what I purpose. Lets let this discussion percolate a while (just a few days, don't want to loose momentum). Invite others to join, get a few more voice. Then late this week I will look to synthesizing the various viewpoints and see what kind of project (if any) we should go ahead with. How does this sound? (I have to be away Mon-Wed., and on the grid relatively sparsely so I couldn't do anything before the end of the week anyway.)
Matt said
at 8:40 pm on Feb 1, 2009
That sounds fine to me, Dave. I've been wondering whether we should seek a grant to support this work, though there is the possibility that that may be more trouble than its worth.
Amanda French said
at 7:30 pm on Feb 2, 2009
Sounds good. I think we might consider lobbying the MLA to do this, as well, though then of course it'd only be for the U Penn CFP list. (Hope they're not already building something.) NEH might fund a cross-discplinary CFP tool project.
Brian Croxall said
at 8:08 am on Feb 3, 2009
I've taken the liberty of registering the Gmail address abettercfp@gmail.com, as well as the Twitter account @aBetterCFP. I'd be glad to share the password to both.
JLR said
at 11:24 pm on Feb 6, 2009
It's great to hear that UPENN is on it! My vote goes to offering to help, if that can be done diplomatically. Drupal is a solid approach, we have some experts at hand, and now this extensive discussion about features to pass on.
Zach said
at 7:52 am on Feb 7, 2009
I agree. It's great to hear that UPenn is already making progress on this, and since they have institutional support and the network of people submitting, we should support what they're already doing.
To that end, I may have something useful to pass along. Last weekend, I started a test site in Drupal to see how the kind of framework we've been discussing might work. I'll post about it on the Design page discussion.
Brian Croxall said
at 10:18 am on Feb 7, 2009
I also agree that we might want to see how the UPenn site turns out. I don't know if we can or want to compete with something with institutional support. If nothing has happened by this summer, we can certainly pick up where we left off. Perhaps at @THATCamp?
And we should certainly pass along our suggestions to UPenn.
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